You see it all over the news. Melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and increasing global temperatures are all consequences of human activity. Since the Industrial Revolution, these activities have led to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. These led to what we now experience as the climate crisis – a man-made problem. 

While the future may seem grim, there’s still hope for our environment. Climate change awareness is at an all-time high and many have made the switch to more sustainable lifestyles – whether that be making changes to their diet, energy consumption, or commuting routines. Many have also flipped the switch with regard to the clothing they wear – making more sustainable fashion choices. 

The fashion industry poses one of the biggest threats to our environment. Accounting for 8-10% of global emissions, it far exceeds the emissions in the shipping and aviation industry combined. Despite this, many companies have caught up and worked on creating more sustainable clothing. But with fast fashion still on the rise, keeping emissions at bay is still a huge challenge. It’s a balancing act between sustainability and profitability.

The good part is that more people are making eco-conscious choices, and fashion companies are starting to feel the pressure. This resulted in the creation of sustainable fashion in all lines of clothing, including sportswear. Eco-friendly golf wear, in particular, is quite popular among athletes. Is it a fad? No. Is it the future? Yes.

Why Is Eco-Friendly Golf Wear More Than Just a Fad?

Golf wear isn’t just about wearing the proper attire in golf tournaments – it’s a lot more than that. Sustainable clothing has been all the talk, and rightfully so because it’s our future that’s at stake. Here’s why eco-friendly golf wear is more than just a trend: 

It Reduces Carbon Emissions

Unsurprisingly, producing clothes out of sustainable materials does help reduce carbon emissions. By using recycled or organic fabric, fashion companies effectively reduce their carbon footprint. 

And when companies aim to become more sustainable, we’re not just talking about their products, we also consider the supply chain. Environmentally-friendly fashion companies optimize their shipping routes and partner with other sustainable organizations. This instills the principle of sustainability from top to bottom. Before you finalize your purchase, check the product description or check your clothing contains a sustainability tag.

You Support Sustainable Companies 

It’s no secret that these fashion companies have a huge impact on the environment. To do it right, you have to support the right companies, ones that embody the values of sustainability. By showing your support to these businesses, whether big or small, you allow their business to thrive. As a result, they can continue pushing forward the sustainability agenda in the fashion industry. 

Additionally, workers in sustainable companies aren’t so much as exploited as those working in fast fashion companies. Because of the high demand for fast fashion, workers are exploited. Low wages, long working hours, and cases of abuse – these are the working conditions that fast fashion workers face on a daily basis. Buying eco-friendly golf wear is saying “no” to these unjust working conditions. 

You Make An Impact

Have you ever felt helpless with all the news about the climate crisis? One way to combat these feelings of helplessness is by doing your part. While personal action isn’t sufficient on its own, it’s enough to cause a ripple effect. Once other athletes take notice of your sustainable golf wear, they’re likely to follow suit. And this continues on and on with other golfers. No matter how small your actions may seem, they can change the world

It Saves Water 

Other than reducing your carbon consumption, producing sustainable clothing also saves water – a commodity that is running scarce in many areas around the world. Companies can reduce their water footprint by choosing organic cotton over conventional cotton. The latter requires more water to grow, therefore increasing a company’s water footprint. 

Polyester is a material that is off-limits for sustainable fashion companies. Even during its production, harmful chemicals are involved which could eventually be found in the waterways – not good. As if that wasn’t enough, polyester also sheds microfibers when washed. This isn’t good news for sea creatures, who could mistakenly consume this as food. Hence, when choosing the right clothing for your next golfing session, choose organic cotton and stay away from polyester. 

In Conclusion

Eco-friendly fashion, especially in golf wear, isn’t just a fad – it’s here to stay. Choosing sustainable fashion helps our environment in more ways than one, with the reduction of carbon emissions and decrease in water consumption being direct effects of making the switch. You may not notice it, but by wearing that golf shirt made of recycled fabrics, you’re doing your part in saving the world.