Starting a diet can be exciting, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Trying to stick to your diet can be extremely difficult with the curveballs that life tends to throw at you. That is why planning out your diet can be extremely beneficial, and these five tips will help you plan out your upcoming diet.

1. Meal Prep

When planning out your diet, your first step should be to set aside some time to make your meals for the week. Making meals as you go throughout your week can lead you to stray away from your diet. Making meals ahead of time takes some stress out of your week, and all you must do is go home and warm it up.

Most individuals use Sundays as the day to make all the meals for the week. You should plan on purchasing some Tupperware if you do not already have some to store your meals. This will also help you avoid guessing about your calories for the day. All your meals will be the same, so you can ensure that you are consuming the same number of calories every day.

Photo by S’well on Unsplash

2. Exclude Any Foods Outside Your Diet from Your Pantry

If you have a pantry filled with tasty treats, you may want to throw them out. Having these treats around can be incredibly enticing when your cravings kick in from your diet. This does not mean you have to exclude treats entirely from your diet.

You can allow yourself a treat now and then, but having them readily available will make it hard to resist. Instead, you should look to fill your pantry with snacks that would fit into your diet. Fruit is often a great snack and a good source of sugar when you are on a diet. So, make sure you build snacks into your diet to ensure the overall success of your diet.

3. Space Out Your Meals

Spacing out your meals properly can have a significant role in the overall success of your diet. You must give your body enough time to digest the food you eat before eating your next meal. Many individuals try to wait and eat a lot of their calories late in the day, which can stress your digestive system.

Examples of diets that need properly spaced-out meals are intermittent fasting diets and a body recomposition diet. The intermittent fasting diets give you a specific time window to eat all your calories. You should space your calories out throughout that time window to allow for proper digestion and stay full.

A body recomposition diet is not necessarily a diet aiming to lose weight but to increase the amount of muscle in your body compared to fat. This diet will lead to a lot of protein being consumed, and the body can only digest so much protein at one time. Eating excess protein in small amounts of time will result in that protein being wasted.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

4. Include High Protein Foods Early in the day

High protein foods early in the day can help keep you satiated throughout your day. If you struggle to stay full throughout your day, eating foods like eggs in the morning can help you.

Also, if you feel the need to, you may want to drink a protein shake throughout your morning. Protein shakes are a great source of protein, and they are only 100-200 calories.

Here is a list of high protein foods that you can incorporate into your diet

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

5. Avoid Drinking any of Your Calories

This is the hardest step for most individuals to take when planning their diets. You must cut out any soda or alcoholic beverages when you are dieting. These drinks are wasted calories because they do not have any nutritional value.

Instead, aim to increase your water intake. Water will help your overall health, and it will help you stay full throughout the day. If you struggle to drink water due to a lack of taste, there are plenty of low-calorie drink mixes that you can use to add flavor to your water.


Doing your best to follow these bits of advice will make following your diet much more manageable. You may be able to do without one of these tips, but just make sure that you are tracking what you eat, and good luck with your diet!

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels