As you age, it’s natural for your skin to become less elastic and supple. This can lead to drooping around the cheeks, jawline, and neck. If you’re unhappy with how your appearance has changed with age, you may be considering a facelift procedure. But is a facelift right for you? Here are a few things to consider.

1. Are You in Good Overall Health?

For the best facelift results, you should be in good health. This means you don’t have any major health conditions that could complicate surgery or healing. If you have a history of heart disease, pulmonary disease, or other chronic illnesses, you may not be a good candidate for facelift surgery.

It also means that you’re at a healthy weight and don’t smoke. Smoking can impede healing and increase your risk for complications after surgery. If you cannot quit smoking before your facelift, you may be asked to wait until you can.

Photo by Lê Tit on Unsplash

2. Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

Having realistic expectations about what a facelift can and can’t do is important. A facelift can improve the appearance of your face and neck, but it can’t stop the ageing process. You will continue to age after a facelift. Additionally, a facelift cannot correct significant skin damage or wrinkling. If you’re hoping for perfection, a facelift may not be right for you.

Realistic expectations also extend to the results of your facelift. Everyone heals differently, so it’s important to understand that your results may not be identical to someone else’s. Talk to your doctor about what you can expect from your particular facelift procedure.

3. Are You Prepared for Recovery?

Recovery is an important part of the facelift process. It’s important to clearly understand what the recovery process will entail before you undergo surgery.

Most people need about two weeks to recover from a facelift. During this time, you will likely experience some bruising and swelling. You may also feel some tightness and numbness in your face and neck. These are all normal side effects that should resolve within a few weeks.

It’s important to take it easy during your recovery period. You’ll need to sleep with your head elevated and avoid strenuous activity. You should also avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible. Recovery can be uncomfortable, but following your doctor’s instructions will help ensure a smooth recovery process.

4. Can You Pay?

The cost of a facelift can vary depending on the extent of the procedure. You can generally expect to pay several thousand dollars for a facelift. Some insurance plans may cover part of the cost if the procedure is medically necessary. However, most people end up paying for their facelifts out of pocket.

When considering cost, you should also include the costs of post-operative care. You will likely need to take some time off work to recover from your facelift. Additionally, you’ll need to purchase supplies like gauze and lotion to care for your incisions. Make sure you factor these costs into your overall budget for the procedure.

5. Do You Have Support?

The recovery process for a facelift can be uncomfortable and require some help. It’s important to have someone to help you during the first few days after your surgery. This person should be able to drive you home from the hospital and help you with activities like bathing and dressing. They should also be available to help around the house, such as cooking and cleaning.

If you don’t have someone who can provide this support, you may want to consider postponing your facelift until you do. Recovery is much easier with a little help.

6. Are You Ready for a Change?

A facelift is a big decision that can significantly impact your life. It’s important to be sure you’re ready for the change before moving forward with surgery.

Think about why you want a facelift. If you want to please someone else, you may want to reconsider. A facelift should be for you and no one else. You should also be prepared for changes in your appearance. A facelift can make you look younger, but it won’t make you look like a different person. Be sure you’re comfortable with the idea of changing your appearance before undergoing surgery.


A facelift can be a great way to turn back the clock on your appearance. However, it’s not right for everyone. Be sure to consider all of the factors involved before making a decision. With a little research and thought, you can be sure you’re making the best decision for you.