Autism or ASD is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s overall development and ability to communicate and express feelings. It begins early in life, and the core symptoms are social and communication issues, repetitive behaviors, and rigidity. Children and adults with autism tend to have difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication and social interactions, depending on the severity.

Research suggests that autism develops from genetic and nongenetic/environmental influences. These influences appear to increase the risk that a person will develop autism, in which they often experience meltdowns. When an autistic person has a meltdown, they usually have increased levels of anxiety and distress, which are often interpreted as frustration.

Although there is no cure for autism, therapies can improve individuals’ lives. Treatments include Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, and ABA. During these therapy sessions, these tips can help patients relax:

1. Understand the cause of distress

First of all, try to find out the trigger behind the meltdown. Knowing precisely what is bothering the person is necessary to identify the possible relaxation technique. A meltdown in a child with autism is usually not a “tantrum” but rather a reaction to physical or emotional stress. Triggers include:

  • Sensory overload or under-stimulation. This is when a child is sensitive to sound, touch, taste, smell, visuals, or movements.
  • Changes in routine or dealing with an unexpected change.
  • Anxiety or anxious feelings.
  • Being unable to describe what they need or want.

2. Provide sensory toys

There are mainly eight senses that the human body is aware of. These senses are

  • Sight
  • Sound
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Balance
  • Body Awareness

There are two types of sensory issues that might affect a person with autism: hyper-sensitivities and hypo-sensitivities. Both types of sensitivities affect how the person processes and reacts to different kinds of stimuli. A hypersensitive person is overly responsive to stimulants. This is often called “sensory overload.” Unlike hyper-sensitivity, some people with autism are under-responsive to senses and stimulants. One example of this is a low sensitivity to pain. A person with hypo-sensitivity may also be under-responsive to body signals that affect balance control and physical coordination.

Sensory toys help a person with autism relax, focus and calm down to a scenario. These toys include:

  • Sensory Mats
  • Chew Toys
  • Sand, Slime, or Putty
  • Pin Art
  • Rainmaker Toys
  • Fidget Spinners
  • Electric Dog Pet
  • Senseez Vibrating Cushion
  • Reflective balls
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

3. Try teaching Yoga, meditation, or physical exercises:

Physical exercises, meditation, and Yoga may be an effective intervention for autism due to their documented capacity to improve self-control and self-regulation, reduce anxiety, and improve behavioral and cognitive functioning. The five basic yoga poses for helping to prevent meltdowns in those with ASD are:

  • Child’s pose with “Bee Breath”
  • Cat pose
  • Cow pose
  • Tree Pose

One can also help them self-regulate by trying breathing techniques like 3-4-5 breathing, Box breathing, and Jencks’ time progression breathing.

4. Use weighted blankets or jackets

Weighted blankets are blankets filled with glass pellets. Deep pressure touch, such as that provided by weighted blankets and vests, can help relieve anxiety in children and adults with sensory processing disorders. Researchers have discovered that this technique can help people with autism reduce stress when it arises and maintain calm in potentially stressful situations.

5. Take the help of music

Music has a calming power in reducing meltdowns for autistic children. It helps them relax whenever they are having a bad day. One can also hire a music therapist to teach musical instruments to the person. It also has additional benefits:

  • Develop listening
  • Encourage voluntary play
  • Enhance communication
  • Toughen muscles and improve motor coordination
  • Help children to trust and build bonding relationships
  • Improve concentration and attention
  • Provide a medium for self-expression
  • Enhance language development through songs and turn-taking
  • Stimulates imagination and creativity

6. You May Use CBD-enriched cannabis

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in communication, social interaction, restricted interest, and repetitive behaviors. Although more cases are being diagnosed, no drugs are approved to treat the core symptoms or cognitive and behavioral problems associated with autism. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop an effective and safe treatment.

Some studies showed that using lower doses of CBD had promising results in managing behavioral problems associated with autism. In addition, this treatment could effectively manage the core symptoms and cognitive functions. No significant side effects were seen at the low doses of CBD-enriched cannabis compared to other studies.

*Check out Wholesale CBD flower for sale for more info.*

7. Establish routines and structures

For an autistic individual, routines and structure reduce anxiety by making life a little bit more predictable. It’s difficult to thoroughly plan everything, so having basic visual schedules and routines can help the person manage this. The purpose of this is to equip the person to communicate and navigate the environment around them. 

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash


It is a myth that an autistic person cannot lead an everyday life. The truth is they are like any other average person but may just need a little more assistance and accessibility to navigate. The purpose of therapies and relaxation techniques is to help an autistic individual thrive and lead an independent life like everyone else.