1. Prepare Your Meals at Home

While eating out can sound like a treat, you often spend a whole week’s grocery money on a single meal. If you are looking for ways to reduce costs as much as possible, cook at home. It might seem like a lot of work, but you will look forward to making your meals after a while. Consider skipping your daily lattes and making your coffee at home. You can even learn how to make pumpkin spice syrup or other delicious home recipes. In addition, you will find that preparing your own meals at home is also healthier.

2. Reduce Credit Card Debt

Credit cards might seem like a lifesaver, but all they do is earn interest that you take ages to pay. If you have multiple credit cards, make it a point to freeze all of them. It might take a while, but once you get rid of the credit cards, you will notice that you can monitor your money flow better. You also get to be intentional with what you are buying and ensure that you only get what you can afford.

3. Create a Budget

Budgeting is the easiest way to ensure that you cut back on expenses. Sit down every month and budget for your salary before getting to your account. That way, you are sure that your money will sustain you all month, and you will even have extra leftovers. Not budgeting leads to misuse of finances, and often, you even forget to cater to the important bills.

Photo by NORTHFOLK on Unsplash

4. Shop With a List 

Another major change you will have to make is to start shopping with a list, avoid getting into the store with cash with no plan in mind. You do not need an extensive list to do your shopping. All you have to do is ensure that you know what you are buying and estimate what it will cost you. That way, you only spend the money you need to spend at the store.

5. Reduce on Subscriptions

You often find yourself subscribed to different music and tv streaming apps. Chances are, you do not even use all of them. The only way to deal with this is to look at your monthly subscriptions and figure out what you still need and what you can do without. Where possible, limit your subscription to only one streaming app. You will be surprised by how much money you will save by doing so.

6. Save on Energy

While you need electricity to run most things in the home, there is a chance that some appliances use more energy than anticipated. Take a look at your appliances and see what energy-saving stars they have. The higher the stars, the more the savings.

7. Pay Off Loans

If you have any pending loans, find a way to pay them off. You can choose to consolidate them and pay them as a whole, reducing the interest, or you could choose to pay them off, starting with the biggest to the least loan. Whatever you decide, ensure you make plans towards your loan payments.

8. Buy Using Cash Only

Using a credit or debit card is the easiest way to spend more than you initially needed. Avoid walking around with either of your cards until you get to the point where you can regulate your spending cash only will limit and keep you in check.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

9. Get a Roommate

Living alone means shouldering all the financial responsibilities in the home. Consider getting a roommate if you want to save on rent and utility costs. That way, everything you use in the house will be split in half and save more.

10. Take Advantage of Sales

Most stores have sales in the middle of the month or on special occasions. If you want to get a good bargain, then target these sales. You might end up spending half of what you usually spend on buying your stuff. You also get to buy things you might have been holding off on because you did not have the money.


Cutting costs is a great way to spend up to your journey to financial freedom. If you have been wondering where to start, the tips above will act as a guide for you.