As time progresses and more people learn about the importance of mental health, there is a rising trend in self-care rituals, therapy, and other tools to stay ahead of a potential mental breakdown. Thankfully, the conversation continues to destigmatize mental health issues. More people are learning how to fully equip themselves with the best mental space possible. As more information emerges, studies point to quite a few activities anyone can do to recharge their mental health. Consider adding the following five activities to your schedule.

1. Puzzles 

Puzzles are excellent for those who want to work on their short-term memory skills and their ability to solve problems. Puzzles provide a safe space for a person to concentrate fully. Multi-tasking tends to chip away at a person’s mental health and capabilities. Plus, it can be so gratifying to work on a puzzle and see it come to fruition in the end.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

2. Reading

In addition to becoming a well-learned individual, you can boost your mental health by reading daily. Studies point to the impact that six minutes of reading can have on sharpening your cognitive abilities. Reading is impactful for those looking to reduce their stress levels, lower their blood pressure, and more. When you choose to read, try your best to do it with a physical book. The point is to unplug from technology. Plus, there’s nothing quite like physically turning the pages, highlighting interesting words, and holding a book in your hand.

Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

3. Exercise

A great cardio workout is all the therapy that many people need to feel better after a stressful day. If cardio does not appeal to you, you can opt for low-impact exercises like walking or yoga. Whatever you do, as long as you enjoy it and move your body, that’s all that matters.

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

4. Camping

Spending time outside and being with nature is excellent for your mental health. There are many studies out there that have shown the benefits of nature on one’s well-being. One way to enjoy nature and unplug is by camping. Add cooking to your trip for those who want to enjoy the outdoors but want a little more luxury and comfort. Cooking is another therapeutic way to unwind. You can try a Coleman camping trip where you can utilize the latest Coleman cooking gear to make all of your meals. 

Cooking will allow you to be mindful and intentional about the food you make to fuel your body with nourishment and energy. On your camping trip, you can also take part in fun activities like hiking, fishing, building a campfire, and staring up at all of the beautiful stars. This will allow you to get outdoors, move your body, and recharge your mind.

Photo by Kevin Schmid on Unsplash

5. Journaling

There are times when you have deep, dark secrets that you want to keep to yourself, it is essential to get those out of your system. One of the best ways to do this is through journaling. Journaling allows you to keep track of your emotions, how you feel, and what triggered you to feel a certain way. By using your journal as a guide, you’ll be able to better understand what you enjoy and need to indulge in more. You’ll be able also to know what you don’t like and what you need to work on avoiding to maintain a stabilized mood.

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

6. Art

Art therapy is encouraged in many hospitals and mental institutions because of its mental health benefits. The type of art therapy you indulge in is entirely up to you. It doesn’t have to be extremely complex either. Simply purchase a coloring book and crayons as many children do. Turn on some music and color for an hour. Use this time to focus on the colors, pay attention to details and enjoy a time of creativity. Art therapy can also look like using homemade clay or store-bought clay to create visionary sculptures. You can pull out watercolor paints and a canvas to paint abstract art. Have fun with your art, and let your creativity relax you.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Some final notes

In addition to enjoying these activities to recharge your mental health, be mindful of the activities you need to avoid to protect your mental health. Some of these activities include mindless scrolling on social media apps, staying up late, and consuming lots of fear-inducing news. Consuming healthy foods, drinking lots of water, and connecting with people you love can also help you stabilize your mental health. Be vigilant in these activities, as you never know when you’re on the brink of a mental breakdown. It’s better to protect yourself from a potential issue than repair damage that’s been done. After all, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels