The raging pandemic has caused us to trade travel and dinner parties for more time in the comfort of our own homes throughout the latter of 2020. But as the days blur into weeks, and weeks blur into months, it is tough to find motivation and joy to show up and get things done. Below, we’ve compiled a short checklist to work on yourself as well as spur you to tackle bigger things.

brown and white concrete building

Make your bed

white and gray bed mattress

Many of us believe that our time should be better spent over turning our closet looking for a particular item of clothing or dusting the living room, however former Navy SEAL and author McCraven has a different opinion. In a commencement speech, he told students of the University of Texas that making your bed every day was one of the most powerful lessons he learned.

“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day,″ he said. “It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another. And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.”

A study conducted by Best Mattress Brand supports McCraven’s hypothesis and showed that up to 80% of bed makers follow routines and schedules. Besides giving you the drive and challenge to get more and more tasks done, McCraven emphasizes on the importance of the finer details in life. If by chance you have an utterly miserable day, you will come home to one achievement of the day – the comfort of a bed YOU made.

Start the day with two glasses of water

person holding clear glass cup with half-filled water

After fasting the whole night, starting the day with two glasses of water can hydrate the body as well as aid digestion and metabolism, according to an article published by USA Today.

We wake up dehydrated from the previous night, and drinking water can help rehydrate the body and move the lower bowels in the morning according to Angela Lemond, national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Furthermore, a comment from registered dietician Alissa Rumsey in the article stated that drinking sufficient water ensure that the metabolism is “functioning optimally”.


woman taking selfie

There is no way of sugar coating it: our mind is a mess. The good new is, you don’t have to be a yogi or deeply spiritual to reap the rewards of this magical pill. Meditation can help rewire the brain by causing the pituitary gland in your brain to secrete a cocktail of feel good chemicals, setting the tone of the day to be focused, content and optimistic while warding of any stress and anxiety from the previous day.

Starting meditation is daunting. However, with the wealth of information at our fingertips, learning this new skill is a lot more attainable than you think! There are plenty of ways to inject meditation into your daily lives. Fitness lovers can opt to try out meditation / breath work incorporated yoga. For those who want to try out meditation from the comfort of their homes, there are several apps available for download that walk us through the whole process. Guided meditation is available on apps such as Headspace, Insight Timer, Stop Breathe Think, and allows you the freedom to choose the length of meditation, and schedule reminders for you to turn meditation into a habit.

Write down you to-do list

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

So much to do, so little time! In order to plan for the day, write down all the tasks and reassign them according to the level of difficulty and priority. Working out a schedule for the day can help can help you visualize what your day looks like as well as complete as many tasks as possible. Instead of stretching yourself thin, focus on sticking to your schedule and slaying one dragon at a time!

Check in with a loved one

man and woman siting on sofa chair inside room

We are social creatures. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to minimize dining out, attend social gatherings, and canceled travel plans, causing us to feel isolated and alone at times. Thankfully, checking in with friends and loved ones in only one call away. To spice things up, schedule wine o’ clock with your girlfriends, play some virtual games with your loved ones, or host a virtual cooking competition!

Reaching out to others is particularly important in these trying times as we may spiral into a depression without emotional support. Hearing the voice of friends and family can help lower anxiety and stress as well as provide another angle to your problems. A video call may never replaced the exact feeling of human interaction in real life, but it is the closest thing to it!


 “Here’s what making your bed (or not) reveals … –” 13 Sep. 2018, Accessed 18 Jan. 2021.

 “Can Making the Bed in the Morning Make You Happier? – Best ….” 17 Apr. 2020, Accessed 18 Jan. 2021.