With all the medical findings linking stress to an unhealthy quality of life, it has somehow become a movement to make one’s wellbeing a top priority. After all, what’s the point of working hard and making a lot of money if you’re physically and mentally unhealthy?

Over time, all that money will just go to finding a cure for all the aches, pains, and sleeplessness you experience.

Chinese action star Jet Li hit the nail on the head when he said, “You are killing yourself for a job that would replace you within a week if you dropped dead. Take care of yourself.” Indeed, you should matter the most to you because your contribution to this life is rooted in how much you value your essence as a living creature.

If you are ready to put yourself first and regain not just physical and mental balance but also achieve the best quality of life, below are five changes you can easily make.

1. Be more mindful of what you put into your body.

Eat right and eat well. This means knowing what you should be putting in your body and consuming it in the right amounts to boost your health. Do not just eat to satisfy hunger or to delight your taste buds. Make sure that you are nourishing your body with everything you put in it.

For example, eat more superfoods. These are foods that do not just offer the best nutrition but support the proper functioning of your immune system as well. Some of the top superfoods are those loaded with probiotics, which are mostly fermented vegetables and soybeans.

Probiotics are so important for health because they aid in the body’s elimination process, which is crucial in preventing the proliferation of cancerous cells. Probiotics also help control the buildup of harmful elements in the body that can lead to diarrhea, which depletes the body of essential nutrients.

These do not only come in superfoods though. There are probiotic supplements and medicine like Enterogermina, which contain millions of good bacteria for gut flora balance.

2. Cook for yourself.

This second change goes hand in hand with number one. The best way to uphold number one is to prepare your meals. By doing so, you can be sure that you are only using not just the best ingredients for your meals, but also the foods that meet your nutritional needs and prevent illnesses.

Again, if you need more probiotics for a stronger gut, you can make your own probiotic-loaded fermented food like kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso-based dishes. If you prepare your food, you never have to miss out on probiotics in every meal.

3. Automate as much as you can.

One of the leading benefits of today’s automated technology is time savings. For example, if you have an Alexa or Google Assistant, multi-tasking instantly becomes a breeze. You can get more things done by using voice commands.

Also, automation can lower your stress levels because you can set up appointments, reminders, and other things to do in a single go. You can forget about them until the most convenient time to take care of them comes and you get an alarm.

Additionally, with automation, you can forget about the brain critters that suddenly pop up and worry you such as whether or not you turned off the stove, the AC, and other appliances. Through efficient automated systems, you can check the status of these items and turn them off or on as scheduled, or remotely.

4. Be productive with your free time and when you are alone.

The best cure for loneliness is to be productive when you are alone. Find great use for the rare moments you get for yourself. Read and learn something new. Take a cue from Oprah and other successful personalities by meditating, especially when workdays are stressful. Or, work on little projects at home that bring you joy.

Spending intentional time by yourself can be difficult initially. You’re left to your thoughts that can easily wander into dark places. However, psychologists say that everybody can learn to fight the inclination to dwell on negativity. You can do this by empowering yourself with affirmations about the good things that you have and are capable of doing.

5. Be active.

If you work eight to nine hours a day in front of the computer, you must balance it out by avoiding sitting too much afterward. Get your body moving in any way that you can.

Wellness experts say this is perhaps the easiest thing to do out of all the changes for improved wellbeing. You just need to outwork the tendency to be lazy. One of the top ways to stay physically active is to walk to places more often instead of driving. Another is by choosing to take the stairs. The third is by performing chores around the house every day.

Staying physically active will make you stronger and more flexible. But, that’s not all; it can also help regulate your weight and bodily processes. Studies show that there’s an improvement in the condition of people who get constipated often when they become physically active.

To a better, healthy you

These changes may all seem too simple, but these have been proven effective in elevating people’s quality of life. So, do not think twice about implementing them for yourself and enjoy all their promised benefits.